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Values are every day guides that help one to live out their ultimate life purpose.

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Q: How are values related to the ultimate purpose in life?
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How do your moral acts relate to the ultimate purpose in life?

In Christianity, the ultimate purpose in life is " love God with all of your might, your soul..." and then moral acts will be its consequences.

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Hinduism gave people a purpose to live for. Hinduism gave people the ultimate goal of life.

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'Ethic' is related to a persons morals or values in life.

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'Ethic' is related to a persons morals or values in life.

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The question has it backwards. Catholic values model God, since the purpose of life, in Catholic Theology, is oneness with God.

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What is the purpose of the values?

Type your answer halp of long vision and saving of money ;long life idel planeer for good

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Yes. Shadow the Hedgehog is the ultimate life form.

How do you encourage someone?

The answer is relative to every person. But to encourage/motivate someone, you would have to remind them about the larger themes/values in life. And tie in their morals in life and relate the encouragement to that. You can also appeal to their purpose of life.

What is an ultimate goal?

What you want to do with your life.

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Contemplating life typically involves reflecting on the purpose, meaning, and significance of one's existence. It may involve pondering life's complexities, pondering personal values and beliefs, and considering one's place in the world.