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The question, as stated, doesn't make sense. An oxygen atom has a nucleus, but an oxygen molecule doesn't have a single nucleus; a typical, diatomic oxygen molecule will have two nuclei.

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Q: How big is the nucleus of oxygen molecule?
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What is the total number of protons in the molecule of water?

1 for each hydrogen and 8 in the oxygen nucleus = 10

What are the oxygen atoms?

Oxygen is an element found on the period table. Its atom contains eight protons in its nucleus. It exists naturally as the diatomic molecule O2.

How do the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen different?

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no actually this didn't answer my f-ing question

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What makes up a oxygen molecule?

Oxygen in the air is composed of molecules which are each made up of two oxygen atoms. An oxygen atom contains protons and neutrons in its nucleus, 8 of each being the most usual form (some variation in the number of neutrons does exist) and it has 8 electrons orbiting the nucleus (2 in the inner shell, 6 in the outer shell).

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You would you most likely find shared electrons in a water molecule near the oxygen atom.

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How many protons are in an oxygen molecule?

There are 8 protons in an oxygen atom. There are two oxygen atoms in an oxygen molecule. Therefore, there are 16 protons in an oxygen molecule

Is an oxygen molecule an organic molecule?

No, it's not organic (an organic molecule has to contain carbon.)

What is the oxygen atom of a water molecule?

Oxygen atoms in water molecules are the same as oxygen atoms in any other molecules; the definition of an oxygen atom is that it is an atom which has eight protons in its nucleus. Normally it has eight neutrons and eight electrons as well, but that can vary. It is only the eight protons which define it as oxygen.