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Q: How can the components of a mixture be seporated from one another?
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Related questions

Is Forming a mixture a chemical change?

No. The components of the mixture remain the same. They do not react chemically with one another.

Is a mixture forming a chemical change?

No. The components of the mixture remain the same. They do not react chemically with one another.

The components of a mixture are mostly efficiently separated from one another based upon their?

Differences in physical properties.

Do mixtures chemically react?

No. A key characteristic of mixtures is that the components making up the mixture do not chemically react with one another.

What is the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous?

A homogeneous mixture is one in which all components are uniformly distributed throughout the mixture. In a heterogeneous mixture the components are not evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

What is a homogenous mixture and how is it different from a heterogeneous mixture?

A homogeneous mixture is one in which the components are uniformly distributed, so that it is the same throughout. A solution is a homogeneous mixture. A heterogeneous mixture is one in which the components are easily distinguishable and are not uniformly distributed. Granite is an example of a heterogeneous mixture.

Is a flavoured drink a compound or element or a mixture?

It is a mixture. A element contains only one of the elements from the periodic table and a mixture is something with more then one element but unlike a compound the components are not chemically bonded to one another it can be changed or filtered back to its original state.

Is a petroleum mixture compound or element?

Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other liquid organic compounds.

What is the difference between heterogeneous mixture and homogeneous mixture?

In a homogeneous mixture the components are evenly distributed. The substances remain distinct from one another only in that their atoms, moleules, or ions remain seprated from one another. In a heterogeneous mixture their are different phases where you will find one susbatnce is more abundant than the rest. An example of this would be mud, as the individual soil particles remain distinguishable fro the water.

What is the difference between a heterogeneous and homogeneous mixture?

A heterogeneous mixture is one in which the individual components are visible and not evenly distributed, such as granite or beef stew. A homogeneous mixture is one in which the individual components are evenly distributed throughout, such as a salt or sugar solution.

What describes a heterogeneous mixture?

A heterogeneous mixture always contains more than one phase. A phase is a region with uniform composition and properties. The substances in a heterogeneous mixture remain physically separate e.g. sugar and sand.

Can you unscramble this sentence dissolves a which in in is solution a another one mixture substances?

A solution is a mixture in which substance dissolves another one.