

How can you believe God?

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12y ago

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It's not always something you have been brought up with. It is your own choice. To believe in God is to believe that you have a purpose that you are loved and cared for that once you die here on earth you don't just disappear. Not necessarily an after life like Egyptians believe but one with no hate one with no anger. Believe in God if you wish as it is your choice but you should be thankful that he has a plan for your life that you will be something great in his eyes. have you ever wondered how the first. person on earth came to be. Some think a bang and everything appeared but really is that true? But then you might wonder if God created the first person who created him was he just there... to find out more everything you need is in The Bible.

Another answer:

You seem confused and not knowing what to believe. To not make a choice is what some people call Atheism and they believe that when you die because you did not make a choice you don't go to heaven or hell you go to eternal light. To believe without seeing is something not easy to do but it is overwhelming to experience his love by taking that chance to think maybe just maybe there is something, something that makes us happy when we are sad to give us hope.

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