

How can you detect Polaris in the night sky?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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to detect Polaris also known as "north star" you first will have to be in the northern hemisphere of the globe if you are south of the equator you will not be able to see Polaris. second you find the big dipper at the very end of the cup part not near the handle there will be the start of the little dipper at the very end of the little dippers handle the brighter star is Polaris

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Q: How can you detect Polaris in the night sky?
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Near the equator.

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Because it is in line with Earth's axis of rotation, Polaris never rises or sets. It is always in the same place in the sky from any given location in the northern hemisphere.

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Find your latitude and that is the altitude of Polaris in the sky.

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No. The North Star is Polaris. Sirius is known as the Dog Star.

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All the stars appear to move in the night sky, because the Earth is spinning. But for ONE star, the movement is so small that you can't see it without a camera. This star is Polaris, the north pole star. On a long time-exposure photograph, you can see Polaris making a TINY circle in the sky above the north pole.

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The North Star, or Polaris, serves as the night angle (having a fixed position in the sky) for observers in India. Located close to the celestial north pole, Polaris allows for determining direction when navigating at night.

Which star appears to stay still in the sky all night?

This is Polaris, often also called the north star or the pole star.

Is Sirius brighter than Polaris?

As seen from Earth, yes, Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. In terms of actual brightness, no.

Is the north star brighter than Sirius?

No. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Polaris is much farther down the list.