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The process of gram staining is simple.

1)smear bacteria from pure culture onto slide, heat fix

2)flood with crystal violet (1min)

3)Add iodine (1 min)

4)acid/alcohol wash (1 min)

5)Flood with safranine (1min)

6)Air dry and examine.

These times are for clinical microbiology and experimental methods employ optimal and more precise times (but overall its pretty close).

Down side of this method is that you must smear bacteria onto the slide and fix it by heating the underside of the slide with a bunsen burner. if they are pink then you have gram negative (Gram's stain didnt stick) if its purple then its gram positive(Gram's stain did stick) This is due to the peptidoglycan layers. Gram negative bacteria have only a thin layer of peptidoglycan as part of the cell membrane/wall where Gram positive have a very think peptidoglycan layer.


Medical Microbiology

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12y ago
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13y ago

Normally gram positive bacterium have a thick peptidoglycon layer where as gram negative bacterium has a thin peptidoglycon layer . The lipopolysaccharide content is more in gram negative bacteria but its not present in gram positive . There is a staining procedure called gram staining which differentiates between a gram positive from gram negative bacteria . In this staining procedure the bacteria is treated with crystal violet , iodine , ethanol and safranin in which the gram positive does not take pink colour of safranin and gram negative appears pink. outer membrane is present in negative not in positive .

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16y ago

search Gram's stain - its the No1 differential stain.

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13y ago

mainly by the color differentation we can indentify the organism, generally the gram positive bacteria appears in purple in colour and gram negative bacteria appears pink in colour

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12y ago

Lab test will tell.

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Q: How can you differentiate gram positive and gram negative bacteria?
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gram positive bacteria

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gram negative

What colors gram positive and gram negative bacteria?

Gram-positive cells are purple and the Gram-negative cells are red.

Are archaebacteria gram positive or gram negative?

A guess ;positive or negative bacteria spider(insect).

How Can you elimintate gram positive bacteria from a gram positive gram negative mixture with mild detergent treatment?

as gram negative have low content of phospholipids than positive detergents at low concentration effectively kill negative bacteria

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