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You have to see a doctor and get a medical or surgical abortion.

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Q: How can you get rid of a baby after 1 month?
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How do you get rid of gas in a 3 month old?

You can get rid of gas in a 3 month old by simply giving the baby plain warm water or rubbing his/her tummy in a circular patern.You get rid of gas in a 3 month old by using gripe water or giving the baby plain warm water.

Can you take a pill to get rid of a baby at 1 month?

No, it's too late. The pill is to prevent the baby from forming, but since it already did, the pill is unable to perform it's action. Try abortion, putting up fo adoption, or keeping the baby.

You might be one month pregnant you feel stuff in your tummy or could that just be mind games or could you take a pill that can get rid of the baby if you are 1 month pregnant?

You might need to go and buy a pregnancy test and even then you cannot get rid pf the baby it is yours. If your parents do not let u keep it then give it to someone you trust to take care of it, then maybe you can at least visit your baby..I hope that answers your question.How old are you??

Is it in baby age of 1 month?


How are babies 1 month apart?

If the first baby is born in the last second of the first month Then the second baby could be born the next month

Why can pregnancy leads to bleeding of 1 whole month?

Do you mean after the woman has had the baby? If you do, then after the woman has had the baby, she starts to bleed because she has a very built up lining of the uterus from where the baby has been growing. She needs to get rid of this now that the baby has been born and it is like a period, except heavier and longer

Is 1 month baby in the womb safe when the mother bleed?

0 month fafafafa

How do you get rid of white stretch marks in 1 month?

Use Bio Oil

Is it normal for baby to support head at 1 month?


How big is the baby at one month inside of you?

1" or 2"

How long does Bella have the baby for in her in Breaking Dawn?

1 month

What does a 1 month baby do?

They eat, poo, cry and sleep!