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You cannot predict, but some say a woman will carry a boy low and a girl high.

Any method for predicting the gender of a baby is considered to be Wives' tales and are not supported by the medical community. There are several medical procedures used to predict the gender, such as the ultrasound (which is not always accurate), blood tests and chromosomal tests (which are always accurate if you have to have one completed).

The myth that a woman carrying a boy high and a girl high stems from stereotype. This stereotype is that a boy is more independent, thus will be carried lower or 'further away from his mother' and that a girl needs more protection, thus carried closer to her mother or 'carried high.'

There are many Wives' tales out there for predicting the gender. Lot of them are based on those stereotypes of boy vs. girl behavior. There are some who believe in these Wives' tales so much as they consider them fact because they have been right most of the time. The basis is that ANY method for predicting the gender in this way (even one that you make up yourself) has the odds of 50/50 of being right. Even odds there.

The only Wives' tale that had ever been considered by the medical community to be accurate was the rate of the heartbeat. A girl's fetal heartbeat is faster - over 140 beats per minute, while a boy's fetal heartbeat was slower - lower than 140 beats per minute. I guess if your baby's heartbeat was 140 beats per minute on the dot, it was a toss-up between the two. However, this myth has recently been debunked by scientific research because the rate of the heartbeat can fluctuate between boys and girls alike from various things like fetal or mother stress, mother illness, and at the stage of development for the fetus.

But, all of these Wives' tales for predicting the gender of the fetus before it is born makes for some great Baby Shower games! On that note, I wouldn't go decorating the nursery or shopping for a complete wardrobe based on the outcome of any of them!

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10y ago
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14y ago

old saying goes that when you loose weight it is a boy and when you gain weight it is a girl. when you eat alot and you go to the doctor and loose weight the boys tend to eat alot more of what you are eating. the girls well you are the one gaining the weight cause girls dont eat alot when they are in your stomach.

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9y ago

The best and safest way to identify the gender of a fetus while it is still in utero is by an ultrasound.

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9y ago

Ultrasound is used to identify the child's gender .

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One can find a baby gender predictor on various websites like Parents and Netmums. One could also go to a local doctor and have an ultrasound to make sure what gender your baby is.

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One can find a gender predictor by visiting a doctor while one is pregnant. One can take an ultrasound to get a picture of the baby and see which gender the baby will be.