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Scary thoughts. Try to think of something pleasant before going to sleep. NEW POST: Whilst it is true that scary thoughts have some input to nightmares it has to be understood that this is not the only factor, in fact it is the least likely unless brought on by a psychological condition, such as anxiety. Only approximately 5-8% of adults suffer from frequent nightmares. Nightmares can occur in adults who are classed as "creative", or who view the world without any sound definition. For example, they see the world in greys, not in black and white. Nightmares can also occur due to post traumatic stress, or through the use of a new medication (generally one that affects the brain eg. anti-depressents), or through withdrawel symptoms from a medication. If you are suffering from frequent nightmares that are affecting your daily life I suggest you see a doctor. They can find the root of the problem and help you get some sleep. For more detailed information, I found this website very helpful:

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Since we usually dream about the last things we did or saw before we sleep, watch or listen to something calming and happy. If that's not the cause, try reflecting on your life: Is there something bothering you? Something wrong? Do you have problems in your love life, work life, or home life? Try evaluating and see what happens.

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The reason why ADULTS have nightmares/bad dreams is caused by medications/and or illnesses, stress/and or anxiety, stressful/and or frightening events that have happened in your life. But, children experience more nightmares than adults can ever. Do not be afraid of these nightmares/dreams, they are not real, but they sometimes can mean something.

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Well, to some people it will and to others it won't. If you are young and scared easily, it will scare you and give you god aweful nightmares. Some adults are scared by it as well.

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Why does purple prevent nightmares?

There is no particular color, whether purple or any other, that can prevent nightmares. Nightmares are produced by each person's subconscious mind, expressing the dreamer's problems and fears. However, any charm in which a person sincerely believes - a dream catcher, a nightlight, a statue of a saint, nighttime prayers, etc - can help ease tensions and encourage peaceful sleep. because purple is a natural absorbent of nightmares, its only logical to know that purple should be used worldwide as a anti-nightmare dosage.