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If you ever see a "U" with a circle around it, that indicates the food is kosher. Next time you are in the supermarket look at a box or bag of food and if you see a "U" with a circle around it means the food is kosher.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Nowadays, with manufacturing so complicated, the best way to know if food is kosher is to look for a kosher symbol. Be aware that not all 'kosher symbols' are reliable. is a pretty comprehensive list put out by the Chicago Rabbinical Council. Most people that keep kosher do not require a symbol on the milk, as the FDA has very strict regulations that only cows' milk be sold.

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12y ago

There are two ways to know whether food is kosher or not.

One is to acquire an understanding of the laws of kashrut, which decide whether or not any particular food is kosher or treif (not kosher). All vegetables are kosher (but must be carefully checked for insects, which are treif).

All fish, provided they have both fins and scales (so salmon, trout and carp are kosher. Shark, whale - traditionally categorised with fish due to the laws having been formulated in ancient times, though actually a mammal and swordfish are treif (shark and swordfish scales are modified teeth rather than actual scales, whales don't have scales at all).

Likewise, all birds are kosher unless they are Birds of Prey and satisfy certain rules including having been killed in accordance with shechita, the ritual method of slaughter designed to ensure a fast and painless death.

When it comes to meat, things become a little trickier as the laws are more complex. To be kosher, the meat must come from a kosher animal (one that both has cloven hooves and chews the cud). The animal must also be killed in accordance with shechita and must not have been killed by other animals. Once slaughtered, as much blood as possible is removed from the carcass, since blood is treif, and the carcass inspected to make sure it doesn't bear any of the blemishes on the lungs and other factors that would render it treif. The sciatic nerve is either removed or the hind quarters of the animal sold on to the non-kosher meat market for consumption by those who do not require kosher meat. Finally, before cooking, the meat is kashered - that is, steeped in salt to absorb any last traces of blood. Meat must also not be consumed with dairy products, though the period required before consuming one after the other varies between different communities.

This is just a brief over-view of kashrut - a full understanding requires in-depth study and so the commonest way to ensure meat and other foods are kosher is to look for a hechsher symbol. You may have noticed these on foods you've bought - common ones are a U in a circle, a K in a star, the letters KLBD and a whole host of others. If there's a little symbol of some type featuring Hebrew letters on your food's packaging, it's probably a hechsher. Obtaining a hechsher involves the manufacturer of the food arranging for a visit by a mashgiach, usually a rabbi who is qualified to inspect the production methods and ingredients before awarding the right to display a hechsher. Although the manufacturer will need to pay for this service, once permitted to advertise their product as kosher the cost is covered by increased sales as observant Jewish customers begin to purchase it and there is no increased cost passed on to non-Jewish consumers.

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11y ago

In the USA and Israel, almost all kosher products have a symbol on the label from an agency that certifies the kashrut. There are over 100 agencies, and the consumer must decide which of them he trusts, and learn their symbols. In other countries the Jewish community publishes a list of products known to be kosher, and the consumer takes this list with him when shopping.

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14y ago

Kosher information should be on the box.

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6y ago

You read the information on the label.

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Provided the granola contains no animal products it is parve - that is, neutral, neither kosher nor treif (not kosher) and as such can be eaten by Jews. _______ The above answer is not clear. Any commercial food item must be certified kosher by a recognised organisation to be considered kosher. If the granola product is certified kosher, it is a kosher product. There are four categories of food according to kashrut: meat, dairy, pareve, and treif. Pareve refers to any food item that does not contain meat or dairy but may contain eggs and/or fish. Treif refers to any food that is not kosher.

What does a circled k mean?

on food packaging, it signifies that the product is kosher.

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Kraft marshmallow cream is kosher in the US. Otherwise, you could check with kosher food stores for other brands of this product.

What does the letter k mean when on food?

Imeans the produvt is kosher It does not mean the product is kosher! It means an entity is stating the product is kosher. K is not a widely accepted marking. Do the research before consuming any K product if you do not want to ingest animal or non-kosher animal products. It is not to be trusted. It is not an agency.

How can you know Kosher food in Swiss?

Around the world, commercially produced kosher food is certified as such. This means that kosher restaurants have a certificate of kashrut and grocery items will have symbols from kosher certification organisations.

Where can you find kosher food?

Any store. You just have to look for a kosher symbol like an o with a u in it. That means a Rabbi made sure no non-kosher ingredients went into the product. Many Wal-marts and Shoprite carry Kosher food.

Is crab a kosher food?

There are brands of kosher imitation crab meat. You would have to check the product packaging for kashrut certification.

What is a sentence that includes the word kosher food?

Kosher refers to the dietary restrictions of the Jewish faith. Here are some sentences.That meat is not kosher, so I can't eat it.My family ran a kosher restaurant.How do you know if that food is kosher or not?Kosher can also be slang for something legitimate. I don't think that business is quite kosher.

What do you know about kosher food?

Kosher food isprepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws, which are rules and regulations concerning food that are derived from Biblical laws and rabbinical interpretations.

What is a treifah?

boo i dont know llllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:):):):)