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If you plant apple pips in compost and water them they should germinate in a couple of days or so.

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Q: How can you use germinate in a sentence?
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How do you use germinate in a sentence?

If you plant the seeds in compost and water them they should germinate.

What is germinate in a sentence?

The seed will germinate if placed in soil, watered, and placed in the sunshine

What is an example of germinate in a sentence?

The plant had to germinate before I could take cuttings from it.

What is a sentence using the word germinate?

The seeds of some plants can survive in a dry condition for hundreds of years and then germinate when placed in an environment with plenty of water.

What is to begin to develop from a seed?

When a seed begins to grow/sprout it is known as germination.

What are the three things that a cell needs to germinate?

Cells do not germinate. Seeds germinate.

Will oat groats germinate?

oat groats will not germinate. only un-hulled oat germinate.

Do sunflower seeds germinate?

In order to germinate sunflower seeds hull them. This will cause them to germinate more quickly. Put the seeds in a jar with water and they will germinate.

How long does it take tomato and peppers to germinate?

Tomatoes and peppers take 5 to 8 days depending on soil temperature. Tomatoes need 80 degrees to germinate. Peppers need 85 degrees to germinate. Greenhouses use heated mats to start them.

What is a Germinate?

Germinate isnt a thing, it is an action. To germinate is to grow or mature. Typically, the term is used when referring to plants.

What is the use of flower?

nectar :- for to attract insect petals :- same flowers germinate and give fruits

When do sunflower seed germinate?

in late spring,sunflower seed will germinate