

How can you use the force like a jedi?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You cannot. It is a fantasy story.

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Q: How can you use the force like a jedi?
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yes use the force like luke

Can you be a jedi?

You can't be a Jedi as in use the Force, but you can behave like one, by being kind, generous, caring, protective, and peacemaking.

What is a Jedi in training called?

The lowest rank of jedi is a youngling, they are taught to control the force and use a light saber. After that they become a padawan, then a jedi knight, then a jedi master, then a jedi council member, and lastly a jedi grand master.

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While it is possible for a Jedi to physically perform a Force choke, using this power goes against the Jedi Code and philosophy. The Jedi typically prioritize peace, non-violence, and compassion over aggressive and lethal techniques like Force choking. There are consequences, both ethical and potentially to the individual's connection to the Force, if they engage in such actions.

Do Jedi have to use force to hold down the button on a lightsaber?

No, they don't. Once you flip a switch it is on. Some Jedi (or anyone who can use the force) build their lightsaber with the switch on the inside of the lightsaber so no one can use their own weapon on them without opening themselves in the force.

Can you become a jedi and use the force?

The Jedi Knights are a wholly fictional concept of the writers of Star Wars. they do not exist in real life.

Did dooku have lightnign force as a jedi?

No, Jedi typically do not use lightning. Dooku learned this skill after he embraced the ways of the dark side.

Who would win in a fight super man or a Jedi?

The Jedi, they would be able to use the force on Superman before he even got to them.

How do use a force?

Connect with your enter self concntrate and just use it for the ways of the sith or jedi

Is the force from starwars real?

Depends on how you look at it. Based on how the Jedi describe the Force, it's like saying the Force is a religion.

Is jedi mind tricks white?

I'm assuming by white you mean light as in the light side of the force. And the answer to that is kind of it isn't an "evil" force power and jedi can use it, but sith can also use this force ability as well. Unless you're referring to the band, Jedi Mind Tricks, in which case yes, in fact, I believe he is an Italian man.

How do you beat the jedi trials in force unleashed?

You never are a Jedi in the game.