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100% everyone uses. You use it 100% everyday. Eating, dreaming, walking, talking, using electronics etc.

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Q: How did Albert Einstein use 20 percent of his brain?
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How much percent did albert Einstein of his brain use?

about 10%

How much percent of Albert Einstein's brain did he use?

The director of Q TV read a book and he told us what he had read: Einstein was able to use 5% of his brain while we are only using 3% of our brains when we are in deep thinking !!!2 percent .

Which person use his brain most?

Albert Einstein.

What percent of Einstein's brain did he use?

40 - 60 percent

How much brain power did albert Einstein use?

Albert einstein was an amazingly intelligent man. Normal human beings use about 10% of there brain "Power" but Albert on the other hand used a lot more than the average human being. It has been scientifically studied and scientist say that Albert used about 20% of his brain "Power". But there is someone who used even more than Albert Einstein.

What is Albert Einstein estimated that you only use about?

Einstein estimated that humans use only 2 percent of their brains on average.

What percentage of his brain did Albert Einstein use?

we all living beings use all of (nearly all of) our brain, i.e. approx. 100% of our brain.

How much of your brain do you use in a lifetime?

The myth of "You Only Use 10% of Your Brain" is not true and comes from a miss heard quote from Albert Einstein. In actual fact we use 100% of our brain

How much of his brain did albert einstein used?

All of it, just as everyone else does. The "only use 10% of your brain" thing is an urban legend.

What tools albert Einstein use?

For his work in theoretical physics, the primary took that Albert Einstein used was his brain. No doubt he also used pen or pencil and paper, and occasionally chalk and a chalk board.

What tools did albert einstein use?

For his work in theoretical physics, the primary took that Albert Einstein used was his brain. No doubt he also used pen or pencil and paper, and occasionally chalk and a chalk board.

How much percent of brain did albert Einstein use?

100% hes smarter than me at science and all that. But im better at texting or anything. He wouldnt even know how to use an xbox. Does that mean i used mor brain percentage? No because we all use 100%. Does that make any sense?