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The fall of anything democratic came about early in the Roman republic. However, thanks to their fanaticism and respect toward anything Greek, democratic ideas were spread through the world. So their contribution was merely to spread such ideas far and wide.

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The Romans created a system of laws that they could use thoughout their empire. Roman's laws have influenced democracy. Some of the most important principles of roman law were: equal treatment under the law; innocent until proven guilty; the burden of poof rests with the accuser; and unreasonable or unfair laws could be set aside.

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None whatsoever. The Romans government was not democratic and ceased to exist more than 1,300 years before modern democracy.

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by unifying the demanding republic

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Q: Roman laws how did they influence on democracy?
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Which of these statements best compares the Roman Republic with ancient Greece's direct democracy?

Answer this question…Voters elected representatives in the Roman Republic. In the Greek direct democracy, voters themselves enacted laws and policies.

How democratic was the government of the early Roman Republic?

The vote in the popular assemblies (the assembly of the soldiers, the assembly of the tribes and the plebeian council) was direct. However, the Roman Republic was not a direct democracy. It was an oligarchy. It was run by rich people.

How were Romans Laws were similar to the laws you have today?

Our laws are based on many laws that were established during the Roman Republic.

What were the three components of roman government discussed by polybius?

democracy, oligarchy, and monarchy

Why were legal advisers were required during Roman times?

Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.Legal advisers were required during Roman times for the same reasons that they are required today---a hodgepodge of laws and interpretations of those laws.

Related questions

How did greece's laws influence laws in the united states?

it had the first democracy

What was Roman law based on?

Roman law was based off of Greek Laws (early democracy) and philosophies

How did Roman law influence democracy?

Some of the most important principles of Roman law were equal treatment under the law innocent until proven guilty the burden of proof rests with the accuser and unreasonable or unfair laws could be aside.

How did the rome highway system influence the spread of democracy?

The Roman road system did not have any influence whatsoever on the spread of democracy. Neither Rome nor the Roman Empire were democracies. Democracy was a Greek concept. There were some democracies in some Greek city-states, but then they collapsed. Democracy as we know it now started to develop some 1,200 years after the Romans.

What was the roman influence in Europe?

One way Europe felt the Roman influence was with religion and Christianity. The law is one of the lasting contributions that the Roman's influenced. They accepted that laws should be fair and equal to everyone.

How did the Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian tradition influence your current views on law democracy and duty of the citizen?

All differnces

How did the roman republic and athenian democracy influence later societies?

The Roman Republic did not have much influence on later societies except for the Italian city-states of the High and Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance which referred to it as a model for the development of their systems of self-governance. The society of the last phase of Roman civilisation (the Later Empire) had more of an influence in the societies of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Athenian democracy did not have an influence util the development of democratic ideas in Modern Europe.

Who was first the roman republic the roman empire or the athenian democracy and in what order?

Athenian democracy, Roman Republic, Roman Empire

How did justinian influence democracy?

Justinian's Code played a very important role in the development of ideas for democracy. For example, one of the laws in Justinian's Code stated that a person was innocent until proven guilty.

Who makes the laws in democracy?

Laws are made in a democracy by people that the voters have selected to represent them.

Who makes the democracy laws?

Laws are made in a democracy by people that the voters have selected to represent them.

Did America influence democracy in the Roman Empire?

No Rome was around and fell around 2000 years ago, way before America was even heard of.