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Defarge stated that Darnay was Evremonde.

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Q: How did Ernest Defarge answer the officer?
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How did ernest defarge answer the officer in A Tale of Two Cities?

Ernest Defarge answered the officer by telling him that he will see noted and put upon his tablets. Defarge used this response to subtly indicate that the officer's actions and behavior were being recorded and could potentially be used against him in the future.

What three witnesses denounced Chares Darnay?

Three witnesses who denounced Charles Darnay in the trial were Ernest Defarge, Madame Defarge, and Dr. Manette. They testified against him based on their perceived connections to his aristocratic family and past actions.

Who owned the wine-shop in a tail of two cities?

Ernest Defarge owned the wine-shop in "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. He was a former servant of Dr. Manette and later became involved in the French Revolution.

Who told Ernest Defarge about the body found under the carriage of the Marquis?

Gabrielle, the mender of roads, told Ernest Defarge about the body found under the carriage of the Marquis.

Who owned the wine-shop in the tale of two cities?

Ernest Defarge

Who told Earnest Defarge about the body under the carriage of Marquis?

Gaspard, a peasant, informed Ernest Defarge about the body under the carriage of the Marquis.

In Tale of Two Cities how does Mr Defarge happen to know Dr Manette?

Ernest Defarge was Dr. Manette's old servant before his imprisonment.

What is the tone of the author toward the character Ernest Defarge a tale of two cities?


What is the author's tone towards ernest defarge in the tall of two cities?

The author's tone towards Ernest Defarge in "A Tale of Two Cities" is generally sympathetic and understanding. Defarge is portrayed as a complex character who is loyal to his revolutionary ideals but also shows moments of compassion and humanity, especially towards Dr. Manette.

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Where did Ernest and Madame Defarge take the mender of roads to see the lifestyle of the King and Queen of France?


Who was the servant of Dr Manette in A Tale of Two Cities?

The servant of Dr. Manette in "A Tale of Two Cities" is named Defarge. He and his wife, Madame Defarge, play important roles in the novel's plot.