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do you mean the treaty of versialles? it was because they thought, because of government propoganda, that they were winning the war and then out of the blue Great Britain says "no its your fault, you started the war, and you lost" and it made them give up their resources and stuff and made them work to pay of Britain's war debt and they thought it was really unfair so they were super angry. so Hitler breaks little laws, one at a time, so see what he could get away with, and when we didnt stop him he just kept on going until he was strong enough to overthrow a country and then that's when we got involved but it was too late and Hitler was already too strong and so yeah. WWII began.

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The short answer would be by building up the 3rd Riech and invading France, Russia, Yugosolvia, Basicaly instead of continuing to pay the debt they started World War 2.

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