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the Jews were being exterminated by the millions, genocide is the ahniliation of a race of people, or the people of a certain country

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Q: How did World War 2 affect the Jewish people of Europe and what is genocide?
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Related questions

What was genocide specific intent to destroy?

One race of people. Such as the holocaust was a genocide of Jewish people.

Who is the target in genocide?

The Jewish people and Gypsies were the targets of Nazi Germany's genocide.

Who was involved in Jewish genocide?

Jewish genocide was attempted by many people, including:The Ancient EgyptiansThe Ancient PersiansThe Catholic ChurchThe KossacksThe Nazis

Did Jewish people face genocide and antisemitism throughout their history?

Yes. Unfortunately, both Anti-Semitism and genocide were quite common in Jewish history.

What is the best example of genocide?

When Adolph Hitler attempted to kill all the people from the Jewish religion, that is attempted genocide.

Who was a genocide during world war 2?

The Jewish people were subjected to genocide by the Nazi regime under Hitler .

What phrase summarizes Nazi Germany's transition from Jewish murder to genocide?

I believe the phrase to summarize the program of Nazi genocide against the Jewish people was " the final solution".

What was the incident of killing people by Hitler?

Hitler's attempted genocide of the Jewish people was the Holocaust.

What group of people were the targets of the most genocide's?

The Jewish people were the targets of the most genocides. Genocide can be traced back to as early as 1490.

Does the dehumanization of Jewish people from Nazis apply to other genocides?

All genocide involves dehumanization.

Who did the Jewish genocide happen to?

Jewish people. It is most often referred to as the "Holocaust", during Adolf Hitler's rule of Germany, 1933-1945.

Is it true that Hitler ordered the death of six million Jews during the holocaust in Europe he tried to justify committing genocide against Jews by blaming Jewish people for all of Germany's economic?

Yes, it is true.