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Aborigines used stealth to catch kangaroos. Often they waited quietly behind trees and bushes until the kangaroos came to feed or came to drink at waterholes, usually in the early morning or late in the afternoon. They would then spear them suddenly, and always with deadly accuracy.

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10y ago

The Aboriginesbused spears to catch kangaroos. They were very accurate when it came to throwing spears - even when it came to moving targets.

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Q: How did aborigines catch kangaroos?
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What type of kangaroo did the aborigines eat?

All species of kangaroos can be eaten, whether they are red kangaroos, grey kangaroos, wallaroos, wallabies, potoroos, tree kangaroos or rat-kangaroos.

How do Red Kangaroos catch their food?

Red kangaroos, being herbivores, do not need to catch food. They graze on stationary grass and vegetation.

How did they aborigines find there food?

They climbed trees, picked clams and other shelled animals from the beach. Hunt kangaroos.

What do aboriginal use to kill wallabies?

The Aborigines usually killed kangaroos by spearing them. Stealthy hunters, they would often wait for kangaroos to come to their feeding grounds, or to the waterholes, where the animals would be speared.

Who discovered kangaroos?

Technically, Aborigines discovered kangaroos as they were the first humans in Australia.The first recorded European sighting of kangaroos was when James Cook's ship, the Endeavour, ran aground off what is now northern Queensland, in 1770, and the crew were forced to spend some time on land.

Did aborigines tell stories about koalas?

Yes they did, although their stories featured fewer koalas than some of the other creatures, such as echidnas, kangaroos and snakes.

Why were boomerangs invented?

hunting kangaroos or other animals used by the aboriginals, they threw it and i think it chopped the animalshead off and came back to them

Why do kangaroos go slow?

Kangaroos are not slow animals at all. They will move slowly when feeding and grazing, and as they are nocturnal, they tend to be quiet and slow during the day.

Did aborigines eat koalas?

Yes. The Australian Aborigines found that koalas were easy to catch and kill for food (despite the fact that Europeans did not even notice koalas for the first decade of colonisation).

What did aborigines use snakes for?

Aboriginle women would catch a snake and take their skin and cook its body.

What do you think of when you think of Australia?

My FIRST thought every time i hear Australia is their beautiful accent, I love to hear people from Australia talk. And next thing is their exotic animals like kangaroo's, flamingo's, seal's, wildlife and the sunsets. I hope to see Australia someday. From what I've seen on TV it looks tremendous.

What did aboriginals hunters catch?

aboriginals catch many animals like fish, kangaroos but they spear the fish because it would be hard to try to catch one with your hands plus the wichady grubs.