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Frogs were probably brought to america accidently on Christopher Columbus's ships or another famous explorers ships. No one has proof though for sure.

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Q: How did cane frogs get brought to north America?
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What Columbus brought to America?

a horse

How did cane toads get to North America?

Cane Toads originate from Central- and North America. They were introduced in many nations with Australia as the most well-known country.

Who brought cane toads?

Cane toads were brought to Australia by British settlers.

When was the cane toad brought to the US?

when was the cane toad brought to the United States

Candy cane originated from where?

a french priest sometime in the 1400's in north America

What were slaves brought to America to grow?

cash crops like cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, wheat, ect.

Are frogs in Australia classed as vermin?

no but cane toads are

What were the main crops in both North and South America?

corn, wheat, cotton, sugar cane.

Have cane toads had a good or bad effect to Australia?

The effects that cane frogs have on the Australia population and ecology is the depletion of native species. Cane frogs are toxic to humans and pets when digested. The cause is that the cane toads are have a mixed of toxins that secret a milky liquid from their parotid glands.

Are the Brown frogs found in Florida poisonous?

There are poisonous frogs in FL it sounds like it could be the Cane Toad

What is the creature called that was brought to Queensland to control insects in the sugar cane?

cane toad

Who brought sugar cane to Jamaica?
