

How did early man catch fish?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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11y ago

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they used to catch fishes with a spear type tool

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Q: How did early man catch fish?
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They used spears to catch the fish.

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Nets have been used to catch fish ever since Early Man found that fish were good to eat. Thus fishnets have been in use for tens of thousands of years.

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Early in the morning.

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crabs, larger fish, and man that catch them to eat

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push the box that he's sitting on to where the fish jumps.

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Men are very competitive. They like to get compliments about how they catch the biggest fish or most fish. It's just a "man thing."

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It is pretty simple; they catch fish.

If a man and a half can catch a fish and a half in a day and a half how many fish will six men catch in seven days?

Ok so my reasoning. if it takes a man and a half a day and a half to catch a fish and a half, so this man and a half in three days have three fish and in six days they have six fish. So for every man and a half you have 6 fish in 6 days. Well a man and a half divided by 6 men is 4. so now you take 6*4 to get 24. Well you are now stuck with a day left. Well we know in a day and a half they catch 6 fish so if you take two thirds of 6 (because 24 hours divided by 36 is 2/3) then you get 4 so you add this to the 24 and you get 28.

Can you catch fish with meat?

sometimes it depends on what fish you are trying to catch

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Beavers don't catch fish

What did santiago promise to do if god allowed him to catch the fish from old man and the sea?

Santiago promised to say a series of prayers and offer thanks to God if he was able to catch the fish from "The Old Man and the Sea." He pledged to make a pilgrimage to the Virgin of Cobre if his wish was granted.