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Speaches fighting anny thing we were REAL fighters so mostly that and wars

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Q: How did latin american nations win independence?
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Latin American revolutionary leader who helped win independence from Spain for Peru Ecuador Chile and Argentina?

Jose San Martin

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How were the North American and Latin American revolutions similar?

Both saw colonies win their independence from European empires. Apex

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How did the Soviet Union try to win support from emerging nations? This is from the American Nations book Page 779, Question 4.

How did Bolivar inspire Latin Americans to presevere?

He led by example, showing and encouraging the Latin Americans to fight and they would win. Through his examples the Latin Americans got motivated and fought to independence.

From which country did the US win their independence?

The U.S. won it's Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War which lasted from 1775 to 1783.

How did the African nations win independence after World War 2?

African nations won independence after World War 2 in various ways. Some made agreements and treaties with their colonizers while others had to fight for their independence.

Why did Americans fight the American Revolution?

To rid themselves of monarchial control by Britainto win the independence from great britain

Who did the Persians win independence fom?

The Persians did win independence from the United Kingdom in 1976.

How were the first nations peoples involved in the struggle between the british and the Americans?

Native Americans fought for both sides, turning the tide in many of the battles. Eventually, their guerrilla warfare techniques would be the clincher for the colonists in the American Revolution.

What did Gabriela Mistral do?

a Chileaneducator, diplomat, poet, and feminist who was the first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature

How did the American revolution influence South Americans in the 18th century and 19th centuries?

It proved that colonists in the Americas could win their independence from European kingdoms.