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Q: How did martin Luther king become a national leader in the civil rights movements?
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What propelled martin Luther king jr. to national prominence as a leader of the civil rights movements?

March on Washington

Why do you have a national holiday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr?

He was a national leader

When did Martin Luther King become a leader?

Montgomery, Alabama.

When did martin Luther king become a civil rights leader?

he didn't

Who is the first black leader to be honored with an American national holiday?

Martin Luther King jr.

Who was the famous African American leader who helped to establish the National Urban League?

Martin Luther King

What propelled Martin Luther king to national prominence as a leader of the civil rights movement?

March on Washington

What movement did martin become a national leader of?

He became a leader of the Civil rights movement.

What propelled martin Luther king jr to national prominence as a civil rights leader?

boycott in Montgomery alabama

How had Martin Luther King Jr become a civil rights leader?

because of what happend to Rosa parks

What inspired martin Luther king jr to become a civil rights leader?

sorry but i don't know

Was Martin Luther King a leader?

Yes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader. He was a leader in the 1950s and 1960s.