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They loved it for they loved Getting naked

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Q: How did the Europeans view Africa culture and religion in the 19th century?
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What continent did Europe expand into in the 19th century?

In the 19th century, Europeans were present in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

Was the colonization of Africa good or bad for Africa?

Yes, it was good for Africa because they were group of savages before the Europeans came and colonized the Africans. The Europeans brought wealth, religion and civilization to the Dark Continent.

How did trade change coastal east Africa's culture?

Introduced them to a new culture and eventually led them to participate in slave trade with Europeans.

Prior to the postcolonial era who wrote most of the literary depictions of Africa and African culture?


What factors did the europeans used to justify their conquest of africa?

economics, intellectual thought, religion, and military

Which religion welcomed African worshipers?

Christianity was introduced to African slaves when the Europeans came to Africa

What culture provided African religion?

Well I'm not from Africa but if you go to Epcot, their is an Africa and their is a lot of information.

When did the europeans discover Africa?

In the 19th Century. Europe owned practically all of Africa then, but not all of these African possessions were conquered in an outright military way. In some cases the Europeans arrived as traders and explorers, and before long they were administrators.

Which religion took root in West Africa in the eleventh century?


What religion did Europeans bring to Africa?


What has diversity of religion language and culture led to in Africa?

conflict and tribal prejudice

Why were europeans nations able to conquer large sections of Africa in the early 19th and 20th century?

Europeans possessed more advanced military technology.