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"Consatration Camps." < That's wrong. You have a spell check, man. Use it.

SO! I'm editing this! Hopefully you weren't asking that for a homework question or something.

How did the Nazis murder the Jewish people... Well, there were quite a few different ways. One of the more, er, infamous ones would be the Death Camps and its sisters (such as the Concentration Camp, which I believe the person who answered this before was trying to hint at). Basically, the Death Camps were used to kill the Jewish people as quickly and methodically as possible. At first they would be individually shot by the SS working at the camp, eventually they moved on to gas chambers. They were really proficient, as in, on average, these camps would murder Jews at, say, five-thousand a day. Freaking insane.

A common misconception is that Concentration Camps and Death Camps were one and the same - they're totally different. Both may have aimed to kill the Jewish, but the means at which they died would be different. Concentration Camps were created so that the Jews would build German weapons and the like during the war. They were working under absolutely horrific conditions and most ended up dying of beatings or starvation.

Then we have "The Answer to the Final Solution" which was pretty much "hurry the f-ck up and get rid of the evidence."

Before all that, they would transport all of the Jewish people into Ghettoes - these really tiny quarters where people were also put to work and died of poor sanitation and starvation and pogroms (gov't authorized mobs).

:D I read this book 'bout it! If I got anything wrong, my apologies!

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12y ago

Nazi's killed Jews by summary execution by firing squad, Gassing them, hanging, starvation, beatings, torture, medical experiments, working them to death, exposing them to diseases like typhus, allowing them to freeze to death, forced marches.

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with poison gas.

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Q: How did the Nazis kill the Jews at the death camps?
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