

How did the Roman Catholic Church influence art?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How did the Roman Catholic Church influence art?
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Describe the influence of the Roman Catholic Church on music in the Middle Ages?

The influence of the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages was a major factor in art and science. The Church had a tendency to stifle science while encouraging religious art.

How did the Roman Catholic Church influence art and architecture?

To answer your question, you would have to specify which Catholics you are talking about, in which century, and which country.

In what way did art of the medieval Europe reflect the influence of the Roman catholic church?

The art was religious art displaying Christ, biblical figures and stories from The Bible. People couldn't read so the church had to tell them the Bible through stain glass, frescoes, and plays. The Roman Catholic Church was the only church and religion. It won't be until the Renaissance that other forms of religious groups will will form. Laws were passed by the church forbidding science and the threat of excommunication was always present. Great Catholic cathedrals were built throughout Europe and Rome was the center of the Catholic Church.

How did the Catholic Church influence dance?

The Catholic church had a great influence on dance. any erratic behavior was generally seen as witchcraft and you where burnt at the stake. so catholic influence on dance was to drive it underground and stagnate the flourishing of this art.

When was the Roman Catholic Church established?

Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. . The Catholic Church was established when Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ said to Simon "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church..." see St. Matthew 16:17-19.

What is the difference in religious art can be seen between the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church?

The Roman Catholic Church is normally known for using fresco's and Statues in their churches. Whereas The Eastern Orthodox Church uses mosaics and icons, with a small percentage of the time they will also use fresco's .

What influence Renaissance Art the most?

Greek and Roman art

How is roman architecture evident in the US today?

Just about every state capital is a copy of Roman art. The federal capital and congress has architectural elements influenced by Rome. Arenas were first built by Rome, buildings with domes were also first built by Rome. Many churches are copied from Catholic Churches through out Italy. A new Catholic Church was built in my area with the dome and bell tower just like the Roman churches. Everywhere you look you will find the influence of Roman art and architecture.

Who commissioned baroque art?

The Catholic Church.

How would you describe Philippine art during the Spanish colonial period?

It was heavily influenced by the Roman Catholic Church and emphasized religious iconography.

What inspired the Leonardo Di Vinci to paint the Last Supper?

The piece of art was commissioned by the Holy Roman Catholic Church. His inspiration came in how he depicted the story.

What evidence suggests that medieval art was dominated by the Christian religion?

The art was religious art displaying Christ, biblical figures and stories from the Bible. People couldn't read so the church had to tell them the Bible through stain glass, frescoes, and plays. The Roman Catholic Church was the only church and religion. It won't be until the Renaissance that other forms of religious groups will will form. Laws were passed by the church forbidding science and the threat of excommunication was always present. Great Catholic cathedrals were built throughout Europe and Rome was the center of the Catholic Church.