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They survived on the land. They all worked together to gather FOOD,WATER,FLAX{for clothing} and everything. But when more maori produced the more food would be eaten the more flax would be taken of the plants and the more water would be used. So then came all the fights and arguments so they would all split up and go into different iwi and different hapu and the tribes and stuff. The wisest or strpngest or oldest would selected to be tribe leader or chief.

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Q: How did the colonist survive the hardships and who helped them survive?
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the Indians helped the colonist survive in the new world. they helped them plant and hunt.

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having crops framine not enough food

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work hard

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He had to survive hardships. :(

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Tobacco planting became very popular and made them very rich Women, children, and slaves helped with everything such as farming and they had a representive government

Who helped the colonist with food and supplies?

The Ameirican Indians

What were some hardships the colonist faced in the Americas?

The English colonist face major famine. The Indians that lived there were also hostile with them. They also didnt know how to grow crops so majority of them died of starvation.

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slaves had to run tored the north star to get free