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it changed where people lived and convinced more people to make viliges and stay in one place

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Q: How did the development of agriculture affect ancient societies in the Americas?
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How did ancient Mexican groups evolve from hunter-gatherers?


Scientists who study ancient societies and their culture are called?

archaeologists. Archaeologists study artifacts, buildings, and other physical remains left behind by ancient societies to understand their culture, social structure, and way of life. They use methods like excavation, analysis, and interpretation to gain insights into the past.

What era marks the highest level of cultural development of ancient people?

The Bronze Age is generally considered to be the era that marks the highest level of cultural development of the ancient people. In this age, the people turned from creating tools of stone to tools of metal.

What kind of scientists study artifacts and ruins from past civilizations?

Archaeologists are the scientists who study artifacts and ruins from past civilizations. They analyze material remains, such as pottery, tools, and buildings, to understand ancient societies, their cultures, and their development over time. Archaeologists also use various techniques to date and interpret these artifacts to reconstruct the past.

Why do scientists study ancient bones?

Scientists study ancient bones to learn about past civilizations, human evolution, and the behavior and lifestyles of ancient populations. By analyzing ancient bones, scientists can reconstruct the diet, health, and genetic makeup of ancient individuals, shedding light on their anatomy, physiology, and cultural practices. This information helps us better understand the history and development of humanity.

Related questions

How did the development of agriculture affect ancient society in the Americas?

it changed where people lived and convinced more people to make viliges and stay in one place

Did they use agriculture in ancient rome?

Agriculture was the mainstay of all societies in the world prior to the industrial revolution of the 19th century.

What is the main reason that some ancient peoples in the Americas start to live in larger villages?

they developed agriculture

Why was the development of agriculture important for ancient Egypt?

It provided food for the population to expand.

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What are the two most important development in ancient Egyptian culture?

1) is papyrus 2) is agriculture

What is the most important element in Rome's economy?

Agriculture was by far the biggest economic sector in the ancient Roman economy (as with all pre-industrial societies). Trade was the engine of economic prosperity.

How does agriculture develops ancient Egypt?

Agriculture encourages the development because when farmers produce food surpluses, the society's economy begins to expand and also becomes richer.

What is Ancient Egypt agriculture?

agriculture in Egypt

What gender was Rome dominated by?

Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.Rome, like all ancient societies, was a male dominated society, at least in public.

What role have public speeches served in ancient societies?

Public speeches serve to inform, influence, or entertain. In ancient societies, as well as societies today, they are used for all of those purposes.

Which ancient societies flourished in the region now occupied by the US?

Ancient societies once flourished in the region now occupied by the US. These societies are called the Paleo American people group.