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The Civil Rights Movement began in the mid-1950s, and initially focused on litigation against segregation. Thurgood Marshall, who would become a Supreme Court Justice, successfully argued Brown v. Board of Education, proving segregation violated the Constitution. By the late 1950s, and early sixties, the movement centered around activist involvement in sit-ins, boycotts and voter registration drives in the south. The sixties focused on all levels of discrimination, using marches, sit-ins, and other forms of non-violent resistance. By that time, the world was focused on what was going on in the United States. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed, officially ending segregation in the United States.

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Q: How did the minority groups struggle for civil rights begin in the 1950s?
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How did the minority groups struggle for civil rights begin the in the 1950s Which event from this time do you think was most responsible for bringing public attention to the American Civil Rights Mov?

They fought for their rights for the people.

How did the minority groups struggle for civil rights begin in the 1950s Which event from this time do you think was most responsible for bringing public attention to the American Civil Rights Movemen?

The murder of Emment Till

How did minority groups struggle in the 1950s?

Minority groups struggled greatly in the 1950's. Segregation was the main struggle with African Americans in the 50's. They could not go to school with the whites or even use the same water fountains.

the civil rights movements ?

Mass movements in the United States that tried to establish equal rights for members of minority groups and women. The earliest, the African American civil rights movement, began in the 1950s.

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There was never conflict that couldn't be solved. The stories were unrealistically happy. .There were few members of minority groups.

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marthin Luther king jr and a lot of other people

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the creation of new groups to advocate for the rights of other minorities

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African Americans

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Several groups campaigned for civil rights after the 1950s, including Native Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and LGBTQ+ communities. These groups fought against racial segregation, discrimination, and for equal rights and representation. They organized protests, filed lawsuits, and advocated for policy changes to advance civil rights and social justice.

What is true about loyalty boards in the 1950s?

they disregarded individuals civil rights

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Native Americans