

How was black death spread?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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12y ago

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The Black Death (Black Plague or Bubonic Plague) was believed to be caused by the Yersinia Pestis bacteria living in fleas and was passed primarily through flea bites. In very rare circumstances like the septicemic plague the disease can be transmitted by direct contact with infected tissue or exposure to a cough of another human. The fleas are often found on rodents such as rats and mice, and seek out other prey when their rodent hosts die. The bacteria remained harmless to the flea, allowing the new host to spread the bacteria. The bacteria form aggregates in the gut of infected fleas and this results in the flea regurgitating ingested blood, which is now infected, into the bite site of a rodent or human host. Once established, bacteria rapidly spread to the lymph nodes and multiply.

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15y ago

The plaguespread around the world on black rats which would get onto merchant ships. It is believed that the black death originated in Asia.By the way, 'Spread' isn't spelt 'spred', it's - spread

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15y ago

The Plague spread from Asia to Europe where it was more deadly because the Europeans hadnt yet built up an immunity to it. It was carried from Asian fleas on Asian Rats that were then transported on Itlaian Transport ships to Europe

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12y ago

The Black Death was a disease of rats and other rodents. When diseased rats were bitten by fleas, the fleas also contracted the plague. When the rats died, the fleas on them looked for warm blooded animals to bite, and humans were often the target. As infected fleas bit people, they often vomited on the place they were biting, and the germs got into the people, infecting them.

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it spreaded by people wearing other peoples clothes and touching people who have died from black death

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How fast did the Black Death spread?

The Black Death spread across Europe at 4km

Who had the black death?

black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.

Did russia get the black death?

yes, black death was spread in whole Europe. Russia also got black death.

Why was the black death spread the way it was?

black death was spread by Yersinia pestis bacterium. Rats and fleas help to spread it even more.

Who speaded the black death?

The Black Death was spread by fleas and rats. ik..gross

Where did the Black Death mostly accur?

Black Death started in China. And it spread to Europe.

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Black Death was started in Mongol army camps. It spread the whole world via Mongol army attacks.

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Why did they burn the people in the black death?

To kill the remaining living viruses and bacteria.

What insect did the black death use to spread the contagious disease?

It was spread by fleas carried by Black rats.

Was Scotland hit by the black death?

yes, whole Europe was struck by Black Death. Black Death spread in the Scotland as well.

What spread black death?

rats infestation or spread of bubonic plague from rats.