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The Townshend Acts applied duties (taxes) to paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea imported by the colonies. Townshend had studied the colonist's distinction between internal and external taxes and he believed his duties were external as none of the products, except tea, could be made in the colonies. The colonists did not agree with his thinking and the result was a colonial boycott against British products. Trade between England and America fell off by 50 percent as a result of the boycott. The British merchants complained to Parliament who repealed the Townshend Duties except the tax on tea. The tea tax was kept in honor of the Declaratory Act. Parliament passed that act to declare that they did have the right to tax the colonies regardless of the American claim of internal or external taxation. The colonists would claim that the Declaratory Act was unconstitutional because the colonies did not have representation in Parliament. Great Britain claimed the colonies were represented “virtually,” as Parliament represented all areas of the British Empire, regardless of whether or not a colony elected a representative to that legislative body. Thus, the debate over whether the colonies did have representation in Parliament would not be settled until the Revolution.

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Townshend act- why was the act imposed?

the townshend act was a tax on glass, lead, paper, and tea.

What act taxed paper paint glass and tea?

These were some of the items on which duties (taxes) were levied by England on its American colonies.

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The Townshend Act was an act that was passed by Parliament that taxes many things in the colonies such as glass, lead, paint, and tea.

What act taxed lead glass paint and tea?

The Townshend Revenue Act taxed paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea. This effectively led to the demonstration known as the Boston Tea Party.

What did the townshend act put tax on?

lead, glass, paints, paper, and tea.

Which act placed new taxes on paper paint lead glass and tea?

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What tax was the townshend acts?

In the Townshend Acts, things like lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea were taxed. (The Revenue Act of 1767).

What act was passed to punish colonists for rebelling against Stamp Act?

The Townshend Act was passed in 1767 after the Colonists rebelled against the Stamp Act. The Townshend Act was a tax on glass, paint, lead, tea and other things the Colonists needed.

Define townsend acts?

The Townshend Acts, The British Government called for new taxes in 1776. SO Parliament passed the Townshend Acts. The Townshend Acts said that the colonist had to pay taxs on all tea, paper, glass, lead, and paint imported from Britain. SO basically the Townshend acts made people pay taxes on certain items, people hated the new taxes and they could not afford them. So The Colonist Buycotted the tea (refused to buy it) Which lead to other events but that was mostly all about the townshend acts taxes boycott which i think it lead to the tea act all taxes where off exept for the tea.

Who was involved in the townshed act?

Charles Townshend, the English Parliament by Chancellor of Exchequer introduced the Townshend Act. It imposed duties on tea, paper, paints, lead and glass imported into colonies in 1767.

How is the stamp act and townshend act similar?

townshend was the best