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Before Darwin proposed his Theory of Evolution, it was widely believed that the Earth was only 6,000 years old. Geologists noticed that the Earth changed gradually over time (tectonic plates shifting to create volcanoes, mountains, etc) in order for such changes to create the Earth known at that time, it would have to be building up such changes over millions of years, thus creating the idea of Earth's immense age which allowed for evolution to create the diverse species known today. This theory of gradualism (as it was called) was adapted into Darwin's theory to apply to the species and their gradual changes.

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he saw how the difference in climates can change a species to adapt to that climate, like the galapagos finches did.

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He did more than just contribute to it, Darwin proposed it. He observed the behaviour of animals during his voyage on The Beagle where he was allowed on shore to do his research.

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he discovered his face had no feet

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evidence of extinction

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Q: How did the work of geologists support Darwin's theories about evolution?
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Darwins theory of evolution views at the time of his work and social forces that led to support for the theory?

There is no proven theory of evolution only the physical evidence of what Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

How do fossil and biochemicals support the theory of evolution?

Because due to Darwins theory of evolution, fossils lead to adaptations over time therefor giving us reason to find evolution within human beings and animals.

Why are the ideas about evolution called theories?

Because although there is evidence to support the claims, it isn't possible to prove evolution indefinately.

What are the 4 theories that support evolution?

Evolution may refer to both the observed phenomenon and the theoretical framework explaining observations in terms of what we know of that phenomenon. Phenomena need no support, just verification. Theories aren't usually supported by other theories, but by observational data. Just so for evolutionary theory: it's supported by the observations in embryology, genetics, comparative genomics, palaeontology, ethology, zoology, microbiology, molecular biology, and so forth.

What are current theries that conflict with Darwin's theory what evidence is used to support thses theories?

Intelligent design, Hovind Theory Added: The above are not scientific theories but more ideological assertions in nature. No positive evidence supports either assertion.

What are the six scientific advances since Darwins death that have provided support for the theory of evolution?

There is nothing newly or old that support Darwin's evolution theory.Some of scientists reject Darwin's Theory of evolution and some of them don't. t I personally support it fairly due to my own beliefs and other scientist reject it for their on. Don't think that what you read in the Internet is always correct. The edge of science will always be on debate. Let me note that Darwin lived in another era and the ability of explaining natural laws was not even close than the way we can explain it today. So for me he earned my respected.

What are 2 hypotheses of evolution?

I believe you are referring to microevolution and macroevolution. These theories both support evolution, but each in their own way. Microevolution is the most common belief today. This states that evolution is happening so rapidly that we don't even notice it. The mutations needed for evolution happen so quickly and on such a small scale that we never realize it's happening until afterwards. Macroevolution is exactly the opposite. This states that the mutations take so long that we never notice it. Both theories, in fact, were proposed because people were asking why, if evolution actually did take place, we could never see it happening.

How did the work geologist support Darwin's theories about evolution?

Before Darwin proposed his Theory of Evolution, it was widely believed that the Earth was only 6,000 years old. Geologists noticed that the Earth changed gradually over time (tectonic plates shifting to create volcanoes, mountains, etc) in order for such changes to create the Earth known at that time, it would have to be building up such changes over millions of years, thus creating the idea of Earth's immense age which allowed for evolution to create the diverse species known today. This theory of gradualism (as it was called) was adapted into Darwin's theory to apply to the species and their gradual changes.

Do any qualified scientists support evolution?

The vast majority of scientists support evolution. There is no longer any debate in the scientific community about whether evolution occurs, only the mechanisms in which evolution acts upon is debated.

How does observed evolutionary change support the scientific theory of evolution?

The theory predicts that evolution will happen and in certain ways. The observed evolution makes this prediction correct. It also defines evolution as happening, and as such is perfect evidence in support of it.

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