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After the crusaders got to Israel they discovered spices. Back then, spices equals money and riches. So they wanted to get more of it and people started trading for it

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Q: How did trade evolve as a result of the crusades?
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What was one direct result of Crusades?

The Crusades increased trade and commerce.

What cities benefit from the crusades?

Genoa, Pisa, and Venice flourished as a result of the Crusades because the Crusades increased trade in the area. :D

Did the crusades result in increased trade between Europe and the east?

Yes it did

What was an indirect result of the Crusades?

discovery of the new worldOne indirect result of the Crusades was that the feudal system was not as strong as it had been. Another indirect result was that trade and commerce picked up.

One result of the Crusades was an increase in trade between the Middle East and?


A lasting effect on Europe as a result of the Crusades?

Trade between Europe and the East increased.

What were two indirect result of the Crusades?

Trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was weakened

Was a lasting effect on Europe as a result of the Crusades?

Trade between Europe and the East increased.

Towns sprang up as a result of the growth of trade encouraged by the Crusades?

True; yes they did.

What was a lasting effect on Europe as a result of the Crusades?

Trade between Europe and the East increased.

An important long term result of the crusades in middle ages was the?

Although the crusades didnt accomplish their goal, they sparked intrest in European trade with the Orient.

What did the Crusades and the return of Marco Polo from China result in between Europe and the East?

Increased trade.