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They Sold it to teh Native American

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Q: How did western cowhands profit from cattle?
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What are cowhands what does it mean?

A person employed on a cattle ranch ; a cowgirl or a cowboy

Why did cowhands lead difficult cattle drives in the 1860's?

Cowhands led cattle drives in the 1860's to move cattle from the southwest to the nearest rail station where the cattle could be carried north. Cattle were worth about 3 times in the north what they were in the south.

What did cowhands call work on large cattle ranches?


How did cattle ranching and the work of cowhands promote the settlement of the plains?

Cattle ranching and he work cowhands did promoted settlements of the plains so there were places to rest during a long cattle drive. As railroads grew, more settlements were established and cattle drives were a large part of the economy.

What brought cattle to railway centers?

Not what, but rather who. And that would be the cowhands that rounded up the cattle and drove them to the railway stockyards.

Cowhands had to know many skills to round up cattle?

Yes they certainly did.

What was life for cowhands during the cattle drive?

it was rough because cowhands went through bad weather, risky river crossing, stampedes, occasional attacks from native americans, and raids from cattle thieves, called rustlers.

What were the cowboys called when they drove cattle during the westward expansion?

Cowhands, cowboys, etc.

How would cattle rustlers go about stealing a herd from the cowhands?

By getting them drunk and paying them with counterfeit money.

What did people do for fun in the 1850s?

Cowhands often look after the cattle, treat them as needed, and milk them if needed. Cowhands also do other chores around a farm.

What did cowhands learn from the vaqueros?

The cowhands adopted many things from the vaqueros. From the vaquero, the American cowhands learned to rope and ride. cowhands also adopted saddle, spurs, lariat (which they used to rope a calf or steer), and chaps of the vaqueros.(this answer is true)

What are some problems cowhands faced during the great western cattle trail?

some problems were the bad weather,risky river crossing,stampedes occasional attacks from native americans,and raids from cattlethieves,called rustlers