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In World War 1 everybody fought a bloody form of warfare that was completely static and involved charging over a cover-less field at the enemy trench with bolt action rifles while the trench was defended with machine guns that killed thousands in seconds at a time called trench warfare. in 1917 the British invented the tank which created a break through in warfare and changed war as we knew it as well as planes and the Germans invented the the sub machine gun in 1918 which allowed them to storm trenches easily. in world war 2 the Germans took what they learned from world war 1 and created a new form of warfare called blitzkrieg (lightning war) where tanks,planes, paratroopers and infantry attacked at the same time. France fell because the British and the French didn't learn the lessons world war 1 taught, they hid in trenches the Germans drove over them with hundreds of tanks and planes etc. Germany learned mobile warfare, Britain did not but won because they had 50+ countries on their side.

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