

How do Buddhists see or understand Siddhartha?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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I'm Bhuddist, no not just people see Bhudda...who is Siddhartha, it's believed that only holy monks and people that meditate can communicate with Bhudda, but only by meditating or dreams. Well that was what I was taught anyway :)

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Q: How do Buddhists see or understand Siddhartha?
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Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha, did not intend to make a religion. What he was trying to do is answer the big questions of why there is suffering and how to overcome it. Those who following his teachings are called Buddhists. So Buddhism is the religion of following the Buddha's teachings. BTW: Buddha means Awakened One. We call Siddhartha Gautama The Buddha because we believe he was the first person to wake up and understand how the world really is.

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Buddhism does not worship anything, though there is a tendency amongst modern buddhists (especially western buddhists) to idolaze Buddha Siddhartha. The Buddhists do venerate wisdom and what they called "Right Action" via the 8 fold path, but they do not have any gods.

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Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He was also called Buddha, meaning "enlightened one". However Buddhists do not actually worship Buddha.

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Buddhism is centered around the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as "the Buddha". Buddhists do not consider him a god.

Why did everyone love Siddhartha?

Buddhists worship Siddhartha Gautama [the Buddha] for respect for passing on his magnificant teachings to them [Dharma].

Who founded buddisum?

Historians have differing opinions on the precise date of the Buddha's birth but it was around the year 500BCE. He was born into a noble family in Lumbini, an area that today lies in the South of Nepal.

Do Buddhists read the bible?

Buddhists may read The Bible and other religious and philosophical books in order to understand other religions. It is however no different than reading any other book of philosophy. They do not see it as "the truth" or an authority on life skills.

What Siddhartha Gautama teach?

Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha, taught the Middle Way. This is the Buddhist belief in a balance between hedonism and total asceticism.