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By meditating and relaxing there mind from the outer world so the energy can be lined up ready to relax and pray

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Q: How do Buddists pray?
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Do buddists have any special clothes or books?

yes when they pray

What time do buddists pray?

Prayer is not part of Buddhism. There is no set time (like a Christian Sunday) for them to get together.

Where do buddists pray?

They don't. They meditate, and ideally, they do it everywhere they go.

Do buddists go to church?

No Buddists do not go to a church.

How many buddists are there in Sweden?

There are 18 000 buddists in Sweden.

What do buddists wear?

Buddists wear nothing but robes as a sign of restect to their gods.

Where do buddists sleep?

In bed

Do buddists have Christmas?

no they are t christians.....

When is the holy day for Buddists?


What is the major figure of the buddists?

The Buddha.

Do buddists pray in a temple?

There are MANY kinds of Buddhists. Some pray in temples, others don't. For example, some Buddhists focus more on seated meditation (at home, at monasteries, in the forest, at centers, and possibly at temples) while others focus on following the Buddhist teachings in their everyday lives.However, there are also millions of Buddhists who do pray in temples. This is especially common in Asian countries with large lay populations.