

How do I report about general truth?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do I report about general truth?
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What is general truth?

A general truth is a statement of fact regarding something that is measurable, demonstrable, and real. The term 'truth' in this context is defined as the 'general agreement' or consensus of those making the determination of validity, however, it does not require unanimous agreement to be considered a statement of truth. In comparison, we have 'absolute truth'. Absolute truth would be the knowledge of all things, their origins, and the purposes of all things. Currently, it is impossible to know 'absolute truth', but only general truths. Those making claims of absolute truth, such as those claiming to know the origins of matter and life, gods, the supernatural, the universal purpose of life and matter, are not being intellectually honest until they can provide proof of their claims.

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