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We have an 8-night celebration and eat traditional foods called potato latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts). Each night we light a candle on our channukiahs (Hanukkah-menorahs) until there are a total of 9 candles on the final night. Some families (mainly in North America) give one present for each of the eight nights and usually play a game of dreidle (a dreidle is like a spinning top with Hebrew letters on the side). There are also special blessings, prayers and Torah-readings during Hanukkah.

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10y ago

1) Blessings are said when lighting the candles

2) The "Hanerot Hallalu" is said while lighting the candles

3) Maoz Tzur is sung after lighting the candles

4) The Al Hanisim prayer of praise to God is said during the Grace after Meals and during the Amidah prayer

5) The Hallel prayer of praise to God is said during the morning prayer services

6) The Torah is read every day during the eight days of Hanukkah

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Q: How do Jews worship on Hanukkah?
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Whom do Jews worship on Hanukkah?

Jewish people worship God...every day, not just during Hanukkah.

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Jews pray in synagogues every day of the year.

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If you are referring to the story of Hanukkah, a statue of Zeus was erected inside the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Do you fast on hanukkah?

Fasting is prohibited during Hanukkah (Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 18b).

Why do Jews think that everybody should celebrate Hanukkah?

They don't. Jews believe that Jews should celebrate Hanukkah.

What god does the religion Hanukkah worship?

Hanukkah is not a religion. It is a Jewish Holiday. Jewish people worship one God.

Jews practice the beautification of the what during Hanukkah?

Jews practice the beautification of the menorah during Hanukkah.

Where is Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is celebrated in the home, by Jews around the world.

Do Jews eat on Hanukkah?

Yes. Hanukkah is not a fasting holiday.

How is France and Hanukkah connected?

France and Hanukkah are not connected. However, French Jews celebrate Hanukkah, just like Jews in all other countries.

Who cecbrates Hanukkah?
