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I was in a relationship with a verbally/mentally abusive guy and to everyone he hungout with he was a cool, fun to be around, all around great guy. Or at least this is what they thought. He had an amazing way of hiding how he treated me around his friends. Abusive guys are VERY manipulative and have the ability to manipulate everyone around them if given the opening. Most "friends" don't look to deep into things and don't like to get involved in their friends relationships. Even if they see him put you down or humiliate you in front of them he will always have an explaination and some "reason" why he had to treat you this way. He will tell lies about you in order for his friends to believe you are a horrible girlfriend or in some way have done something to make him treat you poorly. He breaks down your self esteem to make you feel like you are actually doing something to make him call you names, hurt your feelings in front of people, and make you feel worthless 24/7. His friends may not see it, but he is the master manipulator, they may never see it. Get out now!!!!! Please don't go back just makes it harder to leave in the end.

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Q: How do abusers hide their verbally and mentally abusive side so well from their friends who perceive them to be a great guy?
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We can not say we have not met her.

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you can move out when you are 16 without a parents consent.

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The person doing the abusing is always responsible for that abuse. Abusive people always place the responsibility on someone else, and they always will if they can get away with it. If a situation becomes physical, it's always time to leave.

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If your teenage daughter is verbally abusive, you can take her to a therapist or even call the police.

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