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Well, airplanes help transport people and luggage in a more efficient time than other forms of transpotation. Although planes suck up a lot of gas they also transport more people at a time than most forms of transportation as well. Along with all of those they also give great views of landscape.

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15y ago

Airplanes help us get around faster. With out them we would have to use a boat inmajine going from China to America that would at least take a year or less but with a plane you get there at least 12 hours or a bit less. That is very helpful.

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Q: How do airplanes help us in the world?
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How does an airplanes help the world?

by a lot

Are airplanes made in the US?

Some airplanes are made in the US, but not all. there are several other countries int he World that can make airplanes too.

Has airplanes hurt or help the world?

yes they do because of jet fuel

How do airplanes help us by traveling?

They are faster and they can be cheaper. that's the easy explanation.

What did the airplanes do to help people in World War 1?

they didn't. they killed people.

How many US airplanes produced in World War 2?

Well over 300,000.

What did the invention of the airplane do?

It allowed us to be able to fly to places for vacation, and just take to the skies with no fear. Also, airplanes let us develop other places and help in armed forces and missions throughout the world.

How many us planes were lost in World War 2?

WWII-Not counting approximately 10,000 airplanes destroyed in US stateside training accidents: US Airplanes lost fighting Germany-USAAF lost 22,948 US Airplanes lost fighting Japan-USAAF lost 4,530 and USN lost 8,592

How does the invention of the airplane help society?

It helps us because it enables us to get around the world a lot mor easily then it did before airplanes. It takes 6 months on a boat to get across the Atlantic Ocean, and it takes about 6 hours in a plane. It's our transporter to all of the world.

What is the rhyme scheme for Airplanes by BOB feat Hayley Williams?

airplanes yo airplanes. glad i could help.

Who drove the airplanes in world war two?

Americans drove their airplanes; Britains flew US & British planes; The French surrendered; and Germans and Japanese flew their own planes.

Did the US build 15000 airplanes during the 21 months it was involved in World War 1?