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they flap their wings, making thrust and fly. then they spread their wings and gluide. the air moves faster on the top (less pressure) and the bottom of it's body, the air moves slow (high pressure). the high pressure lifts the eagle up.
It angles its wings

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They use their bold head for aerodynamics and this enables them to fly at greater speed than your standard eagle.

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Q: How do bald eagles fly besides just flapping their wings?
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How do bald eagles swim?

flapping its wings and screaching the whole way to Africa.

What is the locomotion of a Bald Eagle?

The bald eagles locomotion is its wings what they mean by locomotion is how the animal moves/ travels

How wide are bald eagles wings?

6 Feet

How do Bald Eagles reproduce?

After courtship, the eagles find a branch on which to mate. The male eagles mounts the female from behind, straddling her back. Since male eagles do not have a penis, he delivers his sperm to her trough a clocal kiss. When the male has mounted the female, he will rub his cloca against the female's, flapping his wings and moving from side to side. Then, sperm will travel from the male's testicles into the female's clocal opening. He will then dismount her and soon, eaglets will be born.

Does the bald eagles eyesight keen?

Yes, a bald eagle or any eagle for that matter has wonderful vison and very strong wings! How do you think they see prey easliy or fly so long?

What are teenage bald eagles called?

bald eagles

How does extinction of bald eagles affect other species?

Bald Eagles are at the top of their food chain and if they go extinct then the animals beneath them on the food chain will overpopulate areas that have no other birds of prey besides the eagle.

What eats otters besides sharks?

Otters are also prey to brown bears, sea lions, and bald eagles.

Are there any bald eagles in Texas?

no there r no bald eagles in texas

Do bald eagles use poison?

No, Bald Eagles do not use poison.

Can bald eagles get rabies?

Rabies infects mammals, which bald eagles are not.

What bird never gets it hair cut?

No birds really need haircuts, they have wings not hair.