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An antigen is a substance, usually a protein or a, which, when injected into a human (or other organism) that does not have the antigen, will cause an to be produced. Antibodies are a specific type of immune-system proteins known as immunoglobulins, whose role is to fight infections by binding themselves to antigens. basically this means that different blood types have antigens in them and if they mix then they attack one another

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13y ago

There are four main blood types:

O, A, B, and AB

O is the universal donor because it can be given to any other blood type, due to the fact that it does not have any antigens. O blood types can only receive from O

A has the A antigen and can donate to blood type A and AB, it can receive from O, and A

B, has the B antigen, it can donate to B and AB, it can receive from O, and B

AB has BOTH the A and B antigen so it can receive from all blood types and is known as the universal recipient. it can only donate to AB blood type though.

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12y ago

There are four blood types. These blood types are A, B, AB, and O. In addition, these four blood types may be either positive or negative. Generally type A goes with type A, type B with type B, and so on. However, type O blood is a universal donor, which means that any blood type can receive type O blood. Blood type AB is a universal receiver, so if a person has type AB blood they can receive either type A, B, AB, or O.

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