

How do books bring growth to people?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Reading is like any other skill: the more you practice it, the better you become! You have to think when you read, and that helps you learn how to think better. Reading also gives you new information, and the more you know, the better you will be able to solve problems and deal with life. Reading shows you how other people live, and understanding people helps you to communicate better and helps you get along without fear and hatred. Books can show you new ideas and new ways of thinking, and creativity helps you to deal with your own life better. Reading entertains you, and when you are happier, you are healthier and better able to function. Reading helps you improve your vocabulary and learn how to speak and communicate better. Books can show you how to solve problems and how to resolve differences between people. Books help you to understand how important our planet is, and that everyone is basically the same on the inside. Reading is one of the most important skills that you will ever learn!

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