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willy wonka willy wonka the amazing chocolatier by basura bandara

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Q: How do bougainvillea attract pollinators?
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Attract pollinators to the flower?

Petals attract pollinators.

How do anthophytes attract animal pollinators?

they attract pollinators with sweet nector and/or fruit.

What do flowers attract?


What colorful structure attracts pollinators to the flower?

The petals attract pollinators with color.

Why do flowers have fragnance?

To attract pollinators

Is bougainvillea wind pollinated?

Bougainvillea is small and inconspicuous, they contain bracts which may become large and colourful and helps to attract insects. i.e., Bougainvillea.

How does a honeysuckle attract pollinators?

Flower and scent. Pollinators are attracted by either one or both.

How do flowers attract pollinators to it for pollination?

the nectar.

What is the main job of the flowers?

To attract the pollinators.

What as the main function of the flower?

To attract pollinators.

What is the everyday uses of the flower?

To attract pollinators.

What is one function of the petal?

They attract pollinators