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Brown leaves also contain chlorophyll but the brown pigment mask the green pigment and hence the leaves appear brown.

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Q: What do red leaves do to make food?
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How do red leaves make food?

Yes, plants with red leaves can be used in maing food. Red cabbage would be a good example of that. There's also a type of spinach comes which is red in color. However, one should always be knowledgable when using red leaves in cooking, because some may be poisonous.

Can leaves that are red orange yellow or even purple make food?

Leaves cannot be ate. It does not matter what color they are.

Do leaves that are red yellow orange or even purple make food?

Who's food? I don't totally understand the question but, leaves that have changed from green to another color no longer make food for the plant from which they originate. Also, if this was the answer you were looking for, maple, birch, cherry, and Virginia apple leaves that have turned can make very nutritious meals for animals and humans.

What part of the carrot makes it food?

It is the leaves. The leaves get water and make food from that. MConnor

Where plants make their food?

the chloroplasts make food (nectar) in their leaves

What gathers sunlight to make food for trees?


Can leaves that are not green make food?

Yes, leaves do not have to be green to photosynthesize and make food. The green is caused by chlorophyll, the most common and the most efficient, but not the only, compound that can extract energy from sunlight. Other pigments that can photosynthesize include cartenoids and phycobilins, and non-green leaves that photosynthesize range from brown and red seaweeds to red or yellow lichens and purple-leaved plum trees.

What parts of a tree make food?

the leaves make the food for the tree by photosynthesis

What makes food for a plants?

Leaves make food for the plant but roots collect nutrients to basicly help make the food - but the proper answer would be leaves... <--- stumped me tpuri porugfiogh;silghio;srgksnhsd

Why do leaves make food instead of stems?

food and water

How does a tree make food when its leaves are fallen down?

When a tree is bare of leaves it is dormant and is not making food.

Why do leaves need to carry photosynthesis?

Leaves need to carry photosynthesis in order to make food. The sun's rays give the leaves energy to make chlorophyll, which is the food they eat.