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the how is not worthy of ur eyes. u super nooblet btw Chocolate /\/\ I L l< is brown.

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Q: How do carpenter ants get rid of waste?
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Do ants doodoo?

What do you think? Of course ants doodoo! All things must have waste to rid of.

The difference between flying ants and carpenter ants or are all flying ants carpenter ants?

Not all flying ants are carpenter ants. However, all carpenter ants can fly. There are various types of flying ants. Carpenter ants can be distinguished by their larger size and reddish tone to their body.

Are there any ant traps or poisons to get rid of carpenter ants that are pet safe?

Niban is a great product.

What are carpenter ants and how do you get rid of them if they were insects.?

Carpenter ants are ants that make their habitat in wood structures, like trees or homes. They are not as destructive as termites, because they don't eat the wood. An exterminator is a good idea, or you can also buy chemicals if you want to attempt to eliminate them yourself.

Army fire and carpenter are types of what insect?

These are all types of ants

Is black carpenter ants bites venomous?

No, carpenter ants are not venemous at all.

Can someone give me some information on carpenter ants?

Those ants are like termites. They ruin funiture and houses. An exterminator needs to be called to get rid of these. There is not any over the counter product strong enough to get rid them completely.

Do carpenter ants eat drywall?

Carpenter ants do not eat drywall or wood. They hollow it out to nest in it.

Naturally Get Rid of Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants have the ability to cause a lot of destruction to the wood of a home. They burrow through and create their nests inside wooden structures. Anyone who does not wish to rid his or her home of these pests with chemicals can do so naturally. Sprinkling a mixture of borax and powdered sugar around the home's trouble spots can kill the ants. The sugar draws them to the substance, while the borax will kill the ants by destroying their bodies' outer structures. Compared to insecticides, the borax is relatively safe. It does not contain the toxic fumes and residue which many commercial methods posses.

Can ants live in a box?

I believe carpenter ants can.

Do carpenter ants eat cactus?

Red ants

Do carpenter ants and harvester ants look alike?
