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1) Carrier protein ONLY transport the non-polar substance such as glucose,except water,because water particles could slide through phospholipid bilayer across plasma membrane from the area of high concentration to the area of lower concentration.

2) Substance which pass through phospholipid bilayer bind at specific sites.

3) Carrier protein will change its shape appropriately to the shape of the substance passing through plasma membrane.

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13y ago

When molecules are too large to pass through thr spaces between lipids in a cell membrane, the carrier proteins move these large molecules across the cell membrane and into or out of the cell

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Q: How do carrier proteins help substances enter the cell?
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You could be referring to the cell membrane or carrier proteins. Both allow certain substances to enter cells.

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Glucose...It's a HUGE molecule that is broken down into Glycogen for storage.

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Carrier proteins of the cell membrane transport substances down their concentration gradient out of or into the cell by facilitated diffusion and active transport.

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They control what enters and exits the cell :)

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They help transfer substances from the outside of the cell membrane to the inside.

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Carrier proteins facilitates the transport of specific substances through intracellular compartments or across the cell membrane. They bond and then drag the molecules across the bilipid layer, releasing them on the opposite side.

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For passive diffusion, a concentration gradient which uses pore proteins. For active diffusion, carrier proteins and energy are required.