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Me no no.
All members of the chilopoda group of invertebrates have holes down the side of their abdomen. I believe they are called spiracles. Inside these holes branch out into a network of tubes that are the oxygen CO2 exchange sites.

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Q: How do centipedes breathe?
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What is the height of a centipedes?

The average centipede is a centimeter tall. This is why centipedes are called centipedes.

Can you get HPV from centipedes?

You can not get HPV from centipedes.

Where do house centipedes come from?

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Is a centipedes reptiles?

No centipedes are not reptile they are arthropods.

What is a group of centipedes called?

a swarm of centipedes

What are some examples of centipedes?

Sowbugs, millipedes, and centipedes are not actually bugs but they all fall under centipedes

Asexually or sexually centipedes?

Centipedes are living organisms, two centipedes mate, so sexual reproduction.

How many kinds of centipedes are there?

How many kinds of centipedes are there

Do centipedes have wings?

no they do not. they have poisionus pinciers.

What states do centipedes live in?

centipedes live in Utah and Arkansas.

Who are the prediators of centipedes?

humans. people in Australia eat centipedes.

Can centipedes be found in the desert?

In North America there are centipedes in the desert.