

How do dolphins and whales breath under water?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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They don't. Dolphins and whales breathe air just like we do. They can hold their breath for a long time, but they come up to the surface to breathe.

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Q: How do dolphins and whales breath under water?
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Whales and dolphins can't communicate under water

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Dolphins don t breath under water. Mammals breath air. Every 15 min they go out of the water to breath

How can a dolphin stay under water without breathing?

Dolphins and Whales can stay under water for so long is because they have blowholes to come to the surface and get air. They can stay under water for quite a while before they need another breath at the surface:) Need more help... Just ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long do they breath under water?

They don't. When submerged, dolphins hold their breath.

A single animal That lives under water?

whales and dolphins

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Spotted dolphins can hold there breath under water for 7 to 8 minutes

How do sea lions breathe under water?

They don't breathe under water, certainly not like fish do. When they dive they hold their breath, just like whales and dolphins do when they dive. They close their nostrils as they dive to prevent water from coming into their lungs, just as whales/dolphins close their blow-holes before they dive or submerge themselves in the water.

What animal is born under water and it is not a fish?

Whales and Dolphins are born under water and aren't fish.

How dolphins and whales different from fishes?

killer whales are mammels there for need to come up to take in however can breath under also lay eggs but killer whales and dolphins give birth to a smaller version of themselves

Do dophins have gills?

Dolphins have gills so they can breath when they are under water

How do sea creatures breathe under water?

A shellfish will breathe under water by using tubes that are called siphons. These bring water into the animal and then push out the water that is carrying waste.