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I know you just copied this down from your homework, so I'll just tell you in incomplete scentences. The eukaryotic cells have organelles, and an organizd nucleus. The prokaryotic cells (bacteria) have no organized nucleus, no organelles, and cannot specialize.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Prokaryotes are primitive cells. Bacteria belong to this category. Eukaryote are well developed cells. Cells from animal kingdom belong to this category. Prokaryotypes have cell wall. Eukaryote do not have cell wall. Nuclear membrane is absent in prokaryotes but well developed in eukaryote. Cell organelles, like mitochondria, golgi apparatus are ill developed in prokaryotes but well developed in eukaryote. Prokaryotes have 30s and 50s, ribosomes in their cytoplasm. Eukaryote have 70s and 80s ribosomes in their protoplasm.

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11y ago

Eukaryotic cells have organelles. These are membrane enclosed compartments of the cell specialised for different functions. These include



Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

Golgi apparatus


Prokaryotic cells do not have any of these. Furthermore they have cell walls made of peptidoglycan, while eukaryotic cells either have no cell walls or cell walls made of chitin, cellulose or other carbohydrates.

As a little aside: I'm no environmental scientist but apparently the cell walls of algae vary quite a bit in terms of the materials they're made of.

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9y ago

Prokaryotes store their DNA in their cytopasm, eukaryotes store theirs in their nucleus. Also prokaryotes are mostly single-celled organisms with out a nucleus.

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13y ago

Their basic difference is how is the DNA or genetic luggage is kept in the cell. Prokaryote have their DNA spread through the plasma, while Eukaryote have it contained.

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9y ago

Prokaryotes do not have organized nucleus and membrane bound organelles. But eukaryotes have them

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11y ago

It has no membrane-bound nucleus

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Q: How are prokaryotic cells different from eukaryotic cells?
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